Wise Owl Pecan Swirls


Made with



  • 1 package Tastykake Pecan Swirls

  • Blueberries

  • Strawberries

  • Bananas

  • Grapes

  • Sliced Almonds

  • Pretzel rods


  1. Arrange 2 Tastykake Pecan Swirls on a plate to make a head and body

  2. Slice bananas into round circles and place 2 towards the top of the head

  3. Place 2 blueberries on top of the bananas to make the eyes

  4. Place 1 almond slice in the middle of the bananas to make the beak

  5. Slice the top off strawberry and cut into thin slices to make the wings

  6. Place strawberry wings on either side of the Tastykake Pecan Swirl body

  7. Place pretzel rod under the Tastykake Pecan Swirls to create the branch

  8. Place grapes at the end of the pretzel rod branch to create the leaves

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